jueves, 22 de enero de 2015

Room on the Broom

Let's first watch this amazing story: "Room on the Broom"

The following activity is meant to be done with the Interactive Whiteboard.
Using the images of the main characters of the story, the students must decide and place them in the following template in order of appearance.
Here you have the images and the template:

And now, as the final activity with Room on the Broom, I invite the teacher to create some finger puppets with your students. Here you have this template to help you:

domingo, 18 de enero de 2015

The Rainbow Fish

First, watch and listen to this lovely story: "The Rainbow Fish".

Now, try the memory of your students with the following questions:
1- What are the colours of the Rainbow Fish?
2- Name all the sea animals that you have seen in the video.
To finish, here there is a template for your students to colour it:

Speaking Fun